With possession now a misdemeanor charge in Oklahoma - punishable by up to a year in jail - it's more important than ever to have an experienced drug crime attorney on your side.
The laws concerning drug possession are constantly changing. At Worden & Carbitcher, our attorneys are always ahead of legal changes, optimizing our ability to represent our clients in every scenario.
Can I represent myself when it comes to drug charges?
In some cases, this is particularly tempting in order to save costs. While we understand legal costs are a factor, we have also seen this play out many, many times. What most people don't understand is that without an attorney, the court system will hold you to the same standards as an attorney. You must be prepared to represent yourself as an attorney would.
A drug possession attorney will work hard to represent your case and prepare you for a potential trial. When a possession charge arises, the best drug defense attorneys will work to reduce the charges or even have them dismissed.
The possession of illegal drugs in Oklahoma can have serious consequences.
It is best that you consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible to increase your chances of a favorable outcome in court. Choosing the right attorney can mean the difference in jail time, fines, and more.
Andrea Worden has been awarded the Super Lawyers title multiple years in a row, an award only given to the top 5% of attorneys. She consistently gets positive results for her clients in the courtroom.
The legal professionals at Worden & Carbitcher are ready to take on your case, and you can rest assured that our hard-working team will fight for your rights. Call us to schedule your free consultation today.