It's important to stay informed when laws are changed, updated, dismissed, or implemented. And as of early this year, 2017, a pretty big change has been made to the drug possession laws in Oklahoma. It was a mess, as it was voted, then fought, then finally implemented, but eventually, the people's voices were heard. What is pretty crazy about this change of the previous possession laws, is that it will be taking Oklahoma from one of the states with some of the harshest drug possession punishments, to being a state with some of the leanest drug possession punishments.
The harsh consequences for Oklahoma before were as follows… It was a felony to be caught with any Schedule I or II substances, excluding marijuana; a felony to be caught for a second time with marijuana or any Schedule II, IV, or V substances; a felony to be caught with any controlled substance while in the presence of a child that is under the age of 12; and a felony to be caught with any controlled substances within 1000 feet of a school, church, playground, etc. With these sorts of harsh consequences, it was likely you would want to have your Norman, OK drug lawyer on speed dial.
As of now though, these laws are no longer in effect, whereas the consequences of all the above were previously considered a felony, they are now only charged as a misdemeanor. These are big changes, but they are necessary changes, as per what the people and many officials believe. Oklahoma has the second highest incarceration rate nationwide, and for women, the highest. The hopes of these changes in law, are that the tax payer's money won't be going towards putting nonviolent or non-dangerous people behind bars, who we believe, don't have any business being there.
As the people made their voices heard in that of the voting of these new misdemeanor punishments being implemented as the new laws, a couple politicians tried to step in and change the law earlier this year before it could be put into action; but through a whirlwind of worry, eventually those bills were passed on. Most of Oklahoma is now happy to hear, the laws have been put into to place, and the people have won their battle.
The new laws as of July, 1st 2017, are as follows:
- First offense of simple possession (including methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana) is a misdemeanor
- Subsequent offenses possession are a misdemeanor
- Sale, distribution, or trafficking of substances is a felony
If you or a loved one have been convicted of a drug-related crime, you may be looking for a drug possession lawyer in Oklahoma City. There's no need to panic, because here at Worden Law, we are a dedicated team of experts who are ready to stand up for you and your rights. Please, don't hesitate to contact us today, and let us help you get your life back on track!
Darla Reply
Posted Dec 02, 2018 at 23:56:50
How much can a person have to b a lesser charge
Wyatt Worden Reply
Posted Dec 04, 2018 at 07:48:39
Hi Darla,
If I understand your question correctly, you want to know if there is a lesser charge than a misdemeanor. Unfortunately, there is not. Possession of any measurable amount can result in a misdemeanor charge (with some exceptions). In other words, possession of any amount can be charged as a misdemeanor; possession of a lot can be charged as a felony under trafficking/distribution/etc. laws. I hope that responds to your question. If you need assistance with your specific case, please contact our office for more detailed information.
Cindy Reply
Posted Feb 04, 2019 at 08:30:47
My husband was convected of unlawful possession of a dangerous substance (meth) in 1997-98 he went to prison and was released in 2001 with a felony. He has not been in any sort of trouble since has had the same job , married , attends church, bought a home with land, finished his parole on time and paid in full as ordered by court.
My question is with the new law is he still considered a felon?
All he wants is to be able to vote and hunt with a gun.
Thank You.
Freida Harris Reply
Posted May 07, 2019 at 12:52:31
My daughter lives in Texas and has a warrant in Oklahoma for poss of a small amount of meth and possession of paraphernalia what kind of punishment is she looking at this happened over 2 years ago and was in love co. But was extradited back to Texas and was in prison the last 2 years just found out about the warrant
Wyatt Worden Reply
Posted Apr 24, 2020 at 15:22:10
Thank you for reaching out. They will not automatically be reduced. You can call us if you need assistance.
Wyatt Worden Reply
Posted Apr 24, 2020 at 15:23:06
Not automatically. Thanks for your comment.
Wyatt Worden Reply
Posted Apr 24, 2020 at 15:24:28
Prosecutors and the police work for the State not on your behalf.
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